Feature Friday Gloss Sandstorm – Mary

On Fridays we  like to showcase one of our awesome customers here on our website and on our social media pages under the hashtag #APAFeatureFriday. For this week’s Feature Friday we are very excited to feature Mary from Germany! Mary’s answer to a fun fact about herself is  “I generally always embarrass myself.”

Mary is the owner of an Audi A3! Her car is wrapped with APA’s Gloss Sandstorm. The installer is CWC Car Wrapping Center in Mettingen, Germany.

Mary likes Gloss Sandstorm because it’s a color she doesn’t see around Germany! You don’t see this color outside of the United States very often, as a result of, the Gloss Sandstorm being part of APA America’s America Edition. The America Edition is a specially designed line made for the American market. APA’s America Edition is now available everywhere! In addition, Mary is very happy with the quality of the wrap.

Keep an eye out for next week’s Feature Friday!

  • Gloss Sandstorm

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